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Англо-русский металлургический словарь - devil


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Перевод с английского языка devil на русский


• коксовый горн

• переносное сушило для поверхностной подсушки форм

• портативная переносная печь для нагрева припоя

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См. в других словарях

   1. noun  1) дьявол, черт, бес  2) coll. энергичный, напористый человек a devil to work - работает как черт a devil to eat - ест за четверых  3) употр. для усиления или придания иронического или отрицательного оттенка: what the devil do you mean? - что вы этим хотите сказать, черт возьми?; как бы не так! devil a bit of money did he give! - дал он денег, черта с два! [ср. deuce II ]  4) литератор, журналист, выполняющий работу для другого, негр  5) мальчик на побегушках; ученик в типографии (тж. printers devil)  6) coll. человек, парень a devil of a fellow - храбрый малый - lucky devil - poor devil - little devil - young devil  7) жареное мясное или рыбное блюдо с пряностями и специями  8) zool. сумчатый волк (в Тасмании); сумчатый дьявол  9) tech. волк-машина talk of the devil (and he is sure to appear) - легок на помине! devil among the tailors -  а) общая драка, свалка;  б) род фейерверка the devil (and all) to pay - грозящая неприятность, беда; затруднительное положение the devil is not so bad as he is painted prov. - не так страшен черт, как его малюют to paint the devil blacker than he is - сгущать краски between the devil and the deep sea - между двух огней devils own luck - чертовски везет; необыкновенное счастье devil take the hindmost - горе неудачникам; к черту неудачников; всяк за себя to give the devil his due - отдавать должное противнику to play the devil with -...
Англо-русский словарь
  1. дьявол, черт, бес devil worship —- поклонение дьяволу the devil on two sticks —- диаболо (игрушка) the devil rebuking sins —- грешник, прикидывающийся невинным prince of devils —- князь тьмы to cast out a devil —- изгонять беса to sell one's soul to the devil —- продать душу дьяволу 2. дьявол во плоти; искуситель; коварный или злой человек the blue devil —- злой дух-искуситель she is the (very) devil —- она настоящая (сущая) дьяволица (ведьма) 3. разг. энергичный, напористый человек little devil —- чертенок; отчаянный малый, сущий дьявол to be a devil for work —- работать как черт, работать за двоих 4. разг. боевой дух; азарт; напористость without much devil —- вяло, без огонька; без настроения to have devil enough to do smth. —- иметь достаточно мужества (упорства), чтобы сделать что-л. 5. разг. человек; малый, парень poor devil —- бедняга lucky devil —- счастливчик queer (rum) devil —- чудак, чудик 6. разг. тот, кто выполняет работу за другого, "невидимка" (особ. о журналисте, литераторе) 7. уст. ученик или мальчик на побегушках в типографии (также printer's devil) 8. воплощение (обычно порока) the devil of avarice —- сам демон жадности, дьявольская жадность 9. настроение the blue devils —- уныние, меланхолия, хандра to be the victim of a morbid devil —- хандрить, впасть в меланхолию 10. острое блюдо из...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  – black devil – blue devils – Indian devil – longfin ice devil – northern sea devil – red devil – sea devil – southern sea devil – stargazing devil – Tasmanian devil – thorny devil – triple-wart sea devil – true ice devil ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  асфальторазогреватель воздушный нагреватель (для сушки зданий) гвоздевая тёрка fire devil передвижной разогреватель (для нагрева инструмента при устройстве чёрных дорожных покрытий) портативная печь (на коксе, каменном угле) для сушки помещений ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) переносной паяльный тигель 2) цел.-бум. измельчитель 3) скребок для труб 4) дорож. разогреватель (грунта. инструмента) 5) смерч ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  n. & v. --n. 1 (usu. the Devil) (in Christian and Jewish belief) the supreme spirit of evil; Satan. 2 a an evil spirit; a demon; a superhuman malignant being. b a personified evil force or attribute. 3 a a wicked or cruel person. b a mischievously energetic, clever, or self-willed person. 4 colloq. a person, a fellow (lucky devil). 5 fighting spirit, mischievousness (the devil is in him tonight). 6 colloq. something difficult or awkward (this door is a devil to open). 7 (the devil or the Devil) colloq. used as an exclamation of surprise or annoyance (who the devil are you?). 8 a literary hack exploited by an employer. 9 Brit. a junior legal counsel. 10 = Tasmanian devil. 11 applied to various instruments and machines, esp. when used for destructive work. 12 S.Afr. = dust devil. --v. (devilled, devilling; US deviled, deviling) 1 tr. cook (food) with hot seasoning. 2 intr. act as a devil for an author or barrister. 3 tr. US harass, worry. Phrases and idioms between the devil and the deep blue sea in a dilemma. devil-may-care cheerful and reckless. a devil of colloq. a considerable, difficult, or remarkable. devil a one not even one. devil ray any cartilaginous fish of the family Mobulidae, esp. the manta. devil's advocate a person who tests a proposition by arguing against it. devil's bit any of various plants whose roots look bitten off, esp. a kind of scabious (Succisa pratensis). devil's coach-horse Brit. a large rove-beetle, Staphylinus olens. devil's darning-needle a dragonfly or damselfly. devil's dozen thirteen. devils-on-horseback a savoury of prune or plum wrapped in slices of bacon. devil's own colloq. very difficult or unusual (the devil's own job). devil take the hindmost a motto of selfish competition. the devil to pay trouble to be expected. go to the devil 1 be damned. 2 (in imper.) depart at once. like the devil with great energy. play the devil with cause severe damage to. printer's devil hist. an errand-boy in a printing office. speak (or talk) of the devil said when a person appears just after being...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. noun  Etymology: Middle English devel, from Old English deofol, from Late Latin diabolus, from Greek diabolos, literally, slanderer, from diaballein to throw across, slander, from dia- + ballein to throw; probably akin to Sanskrit gurate he lifts up  Date: before 12th century  1. often capitalized the personal supreme spirit of evil often represented in Jewish and Christian belief as the tempter of mankind, the leader of all apostate angels, and the ruler of hell — usually used with the; often used as an interjection, an intensive, or a generalized term of abuse what the ~ is this? the ~ you say!  2. an evil spirit ; demon  3.  a. an extremely wicked person ; fiend  b. archaic a great evil  4. a person of notable energy, recklessness, and dashing spirit; also one who is mischievous those kids are little ~s today  5. fellow — usually used in the phrases poor ~, lucky ~  6.  a. something very trying or provoking having a ~ of a time with this problem  b. severe criticism or rebuke ; hell — used with the I'll probably catch the ~ for this  c. the difficult, deceptive, or problematic part of something the ~ is in the details  7. dust ~  8. Christian Science the opposite of Truth ; a belief in sin, sickness, and death ; evil, error  II. transitive verb  (-iled or -illed; -iling or ~ling)  Date: 1800  1. to season highly ~ed eggs  2. tease, annoy ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (devils) 1. In Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, the Devil is the most powerful evil spirit. = Satan N-PROPER: the N 2. A devil is an evil spirit. ...the idea of angels with wings and devils with horns and hoofs. = demon N-COUNT 3. You can use devil to emphasize the way you feel about someone. For example, if you call someone a poor devil, you are saying that you feel sorry for them. You can call someone you are fond of but who sometimes annoys or irritates you an old devil or a little devil. (INFORMAL) I felt sorry for Blake, poor devil... N-COUNT c darkgreen]feelings 4. If you say that you are between the devil and the deep blue sea, you mean that you are in a difficult situation where you have to choose between two equally unpleasant courses of action. PHRASE: v-link PHR 5. People say speak of the devil, or in British English talk of the devil, if someone they have just been talking about appears unexpectedly. Well, talk of the devil! PHRASE 6. When you want to emphasize how annoyed or surprised you are, you can use an expression such as what the devil, how the devil, or why the devil. (INFORMAL) ‘What the devil’s the matter?’ PHRASE c darkgreen]emphasis ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~ n 1 »EVIL« a) the Devil the most powerful evil spirit in Christianity; Satan b) any evil spirit  (The villagers believed a devil had taken control of his body.) 2 »PERSON« informal someone who behaves very badly, especially a child  (Tommy's a little devil!) 3 speak/talk of the devil spoken used when someone you have just been talking about walks into the room where you are 4 play/be devil's advocate to pretend that you disagree with something so that there will be a discussion about it 5 be a devil BrE spoken used to persuade someone to do something they are not sure they should do  (Go on, be a devil, have another gin and tonic.) 6 lucky/poor/silly etc devil spoken someone who is lucky, unlucky, silly etc 7 what/who/why etc the devil? spoken old-fashioned used to show that you are surprised or annoyed  (What the devil d'you think you're doing?) 8 a devil of a job/mess etc old-fashioned a very unpleasant job, mess etc  (We had a devil of a job trying to get the carpet clean again.) 9 go to the devil! spoken used to tell someone rudely to go away or stop annoying you 10 have the luck of the devil to be very lucky 11 better the devil you know (than the devil you don't) used to say that it is better to deal with someone or something you know, even if you do not like them, than to deal with someone or something new that might be worse 12 be between the devil and the deep blue sea to be in a difficult situation in which you have to choose between two unpleasant things 13 do sth like the devil old-fashioned to do something very fast or using a lot of force  (They rang the bell and ran like the devil.) 14 devil take the hindmost used to describe a situation in which people think about their own success and do not care what happens to anyone else ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  hobby abbr. Daily Enthusiastic Victories Inspirational Leadership ...
English abbreviation dictionary
Английский словарь американских идиом
  - O.E. deofol "evil spirit," from L.L. diabolus, from Gk. diabolos "accuser, slanderer" (scriptural loan-translation of Heb. satan), from diaballein "to slander, attack," lit. "throw across," from dia- "across, through" + ballein "to throw." Devil's advocate is L. advocatus diaboli, one whose job it is to urge against the canonization of a candidate for sainthood. Devil-may-care is attested from 1790s. Devil's books "playing cards" is from 1729; devil's coach-horse is from 1840, the large rove-beetle, which is defiant when disturbed. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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